During important stages, the body in “creation mode” needs to adapt. Osteopathy is a gentle, safe and natural manual therapy that allows the woman to maintain balance and restore normal functions of the nervous system and optimal physical health. During pregnancy, it corrects the movements of the pelvis for the optimal position and space for the growth of the baby. It relieves discomfort: back pain, neck pain, reflux, constipation, sciatica, fatigue. It ensures a balanced pelvis for childbirth. It supports a healthy pregnancy and a safer and less painful physiological birth. During the baby stage, it ensures neurological development. It promotes a state of calm. It corrects micro-traumas of birth for optimal mobility. It strengthens the immune system. It relieves colic, constipation, or difficulties in falling asleep. It works on cranial asymmetry and head rotation. For boys and girls, I work with those who suffer from academic difficulties and postural development disorders during growth: delayed psychomotor development, difficulties at school, concentration disorders, hyperactivity, attention deficit, behaviors characteristic of emotional disorders, anxiety and/or aggression, and organic disabilities that affect the neurological, circulatory, cardiovascular, immune, endocrine and digestive systems.